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Untitled 2


About Twin Towers Music





1. Why was Twin Towers Music Publications founded?


2. How did Twin Towers Music Publications get its name?


3. What type of music does Twin Towers Music Publications offer?


4. How do I place an order?


5. How do I contact TT Music with my other questions?








Why was TT Music Founded?


Twin Towers Music Publications was founded in 1997 by band directors in the south Arkansas - northeast Texas area who saw a need for new quality young band literature.  Nearly everyone involved in TT Music - from owners to composers, engravers, editors, general manager, even book keeper - are currently or recently active band directors for schools ranging from small-town schools to large multicampus schools.  We are proud to have served the needs of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma directors for over two decades and look forward to serving far into the future




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How did Twin Towers Music Publications get its name?



A talented group of musicians came together often to play in a small jazz-fusion combo at clubs, festivals, band camps, etc.  This group was hired frequently to play at a local summer band camp.  For advertisement purposes the group had to come up with a name.  A friend of the group pointed out that the guitar player and the bass player, who were both at least 6 feet or taller, seemed to "tower" over the saxophone player and the drummer, who were both around 5 and a half feet tall.  The group therefore named itself "Twin Towers".   Three members of the group were locally well-known composers who wanted the opportunity to play their own music (and to allow others) for contest competition.  So two of the members (Brian Rhodes and Lester Pack) formed a partnership to officially publish their music.  The third member, Don Colquitt, offered a large number of his own compositions for publications and was the first published composer of Twin Towers Music Publications.  They naturally came up with the name from their performing group.  To this date, January 30, 2006, TT Music has expanded to 12 composers and offers over 100 titles and is growing steadily.




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What type of music does TT Music offer?


TT Music specializes in young band concert literature.  We offer a large number of concert marches, junior high school and high school concert contest selections, beginning band literature, and junior high school and highschool spring concert or exhibitional concert literature.  Jazz ensemble music for high school or college has also been added to our catalog.  We have recently added a new service as well: sight reading practice packs.  At the moment these practice packs are geared toward junior high and small (young / subvarsity) high school groups, but due to the popularity of these practice packs we may add more levels in the future.  TT Music offers its music in standard print-music format and as downloadable PDFs and PDF files on CD Rom.


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on new releases and more items of interest.




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